Main sponsor
Ramelius Resources Limited (ASX:RMS) is a Western Australian gold producer that has been listed on the ASX since 2003 and in production since 2006. The company-making mine, Wattle Dam, was located approximately 70km south of Kalgoorlie and was at one stage the highest grade gold mine in Australia. It was operated successfully from 2006 to 2013. Now Ramelius’ operations are based at Mt Magnet, Edna May and Vivien underground mine near Leinster. Their exploration projects are ongoing in Western Australia and Nevada (USA).

Main sponsor
Established in 2011 by Founder & Group CEO, Dinesh Aggarwal, Fortuna is a conglomerate of companies providing award-winning solutions in the areas of Business Advisory, Tax & Accounting, Mortgage Broking & Business Loans, Legal Advice & Services, CFO Services & Bookkeeping, Financial Planning & Wealth Management, Business & General Insurance and Managed IT Services. Fortuna believes in the adage ‘We Stay with you for life’, a maxim that drives their interactions with clients in everything they do.
Website : https://www.fortunaadvisors.com.au/